My mom also used to make payasam for all the elders in the family. I wish my grandparents were here with me and I could take their blessings and serve them the wonderfully tasty coconut persimmon kheer I made today. Payasam (in telugu) or Kheer (in hindi)is a common sweet dish in every household on festivals and special occasions. The ingredients rice, milk and sugar is a combination that can never go wrong. Payasam is also made with vermicelli (semya in telugu) and beaten rice (atukulu in telugu and poha in hindi).
Of the three types of payasam, making atukulu payasam is the easiest, because the beaten rice softens as soon as put into milk/water and cooks very fast. Payasam made with rice takes the longest - as we have to wait for the rice to cook in milk. However, the taste of rice payasam and atukulu payasam (rice is the base ingredient) is similar. So I prefer making atukulu payasam - its tasty and quick.
Persimmon is a lovely fruit - To describe its taste, I would say its tender coconut flesh combined with sugar and a hint of cinnamon and cloves. Its truly amazing. Also check out my other recipe with persimmons - Spicy Persimmon Salsa. Coconut flakes can also be added to the salsa for additional flavors. Coconut payasam with cinnamon is a regular fare in India. So I thought coconut and persimmon will be a dynamite pair to make the payasam.
Here goes the recipe that serves for 4
1. Atukulu (beaten rice/poha) - 1 cup
2. Brown sugar - 2.5 tbsp (adjust the amount based on your sweet levels, regular sugar or jaggery can also be used)
3. Milk - 2 cups
4. Puree of 2 ripened persimmons (Hachiya variety will be the best)
5. Unsweetened coconut flakes - 2 tbsp (Coconut milk can also be added instead)
6. Cinnamon powder - 1/2 tsp, elaichi(cardamom) powder - 1/2 tsp
Soak beaten rice in water for 5-10 minutes. Meanwhile heat milk and brown sugar in pan. Allow the milk to boil and add the persimmon puree. Add the beaten rice after Draining out the water from the beaten rice. Add the coconut flakes and the cinnamon and cardamom powders and heat until the beaten rice is completely cooked and the mixture thickens a bit. Ghee/butter toasted cashew nuts can be added for additional flavor. Adjust the amount of milk based on your liking. I like the payasam to be on the liquidy side. If you like the payasam to be more solid reduce the amount of milk used in the recipe. I like serving the hot payasam. It can be served cold as well. I loved the taste of this payasam - I am sure you will too :)