Monday, January 7, 2008

Cucumber Dill Salad

OK! Holiday season is long gone! I am back to the salad days with the cool cucumber and dill salad. I feel this is somewhere between a salad and a raita (because of the yogurt/curd factor). The ingredients would be cucumbers(1 cup peeled and chopped), red onion (1/4 cup of thin slices), salt to taste, dill leaves (2 tbsp I used dried from McCormick), pinch of garlic powder, tiny bit of sugar and lemon juice. Mix everything together with yogurt and serve chilled. Yeah! I know its such a common recipe, but hey -its my blog!

Tomatoes, chillies, shredded carrots, shredded coconut, roasted nuts, rice crispies - all or any of these could also be added for the extra zing to the salad.

1 comment:

  1. just read the introduction page... terrific... it is awesome that channelizinvg ur time at home in USA you are creating recipes for some fabulous indian food.....

    liked the last line.. about ur hubby... cute and cool...

    keep blogging....
